Sunday, 31 October 2010


A lot of people in church this morning - perhaps it was the extra hour in bed that got them all moving?   Max played rugby this morning and his team was soundly beaten but at least he had a free lunch which seemed to compensate him a little!
Georgi decorated a small cake with chocolate spread and wallnuts - it looked good.
Waldo Emerson 19c  said,  'Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could
Some blunders might have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.'
He also said:   'Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely.'     I go for that.

Saturday, 30 October 2010


Clocks back tonight.   Bad news:  I do not like the long dark nights.   Good day today.  I had a long swim this morning then coffee and a short rest before lunch and out to head a tour; met some interesting people as usual.
Watched 'Strictly Come Dancing' tonight;  the costumes were weird (even on Halloween Night), the music didn't seem to match the dances and Anne Widdecombe has become a BIG JOKE that's not funny any more.  I hated it.   Kids in bed insisting they will be up at the crack of dawn -  I don't think so.

Friday, 29 October 2010


Horrid day today, high winds and torrential rain.   Our tree in the front garden looks as though it is on the point of falling over - it's leaning dangerously; but thankfully even if it goes to ground it is in a position that will not harm
anything or anyone except perhaps for one of the many cats who use our garden as their public toilet.   Cats,
though with their sixth sense rarely get into any kind of danger from falling items - they are too sharp by far.

Georgi and I made a lemon drizzle cake today which is a huge success and is disappearing rapidly - mainly into Georgi's tummy!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Decided to take Max and Georgi into town this afternoon - I did suggest we all went to the garden centre and I still can't believe they refused to go!    It is strange taking a teenage boy to the shops as no matter what he looks at he never wants to buy anything (perhaps because we didn't go to PC WORLD).   His sister on the other hand wants to buy something from every shop - you can never have enough of anything and she constanty bemoans having to live without whatever catches her eye.   I am a mixture of the two of them -  I want everything and buy nothing.
I am looking forward to the cricket from Oz in a week or so but however much I insist I will listen to the comentaries live - I know that I won't.  It will be all second hand news for me.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Just watched a programme about young people and the ever serious problem of drug taking.
It doesn't reall matter if you take drugs in the privacy of your own home involving no one but yourself.  
You are still ensuring that an industry based on exploitation, fear and murder is perpetuated and
prospers.    Perpetuated by YOU.

Monday, 25 October 2010


Beautiful bright, sunny day.   Took a £50 note out with me to buy a few things for the kids and spent it in the first shop!    Jeans, boots, shoes and a pair of pyjamas and lo I had to top it up.
It made me a bit cross today to read in the paper that Bristol City Museum , Manchester University Museum and others had covered up their display of unwrapped mummies and removed an Iron Age bog body and a skeleton of a child with rickets and 'Seventeen other museums are becoming increasingly nervous about displaying ancient human remains.'   Apparently a small group from the Pagan Organisation Honouring the Ancient Dead have complained.   Perhaps other people remember when we ceased to live in a free country.

Sunday, 24 October 2010


Very cold today when I came out of church and was waiting for the bus - I thought I didn't have time for coffee
so went straight to the bus stop - guess what? the wretched bus was 5 minutes late....time for two coffees.
Lots of folk from the congregation had arranged to go walking in the woods:   I might have joined them but unlike me they were all ready with a change of clothes and footwear.    I noticed that not one of the would be hikers was a day under 50+ but as someone once said - 'being  'over the hill'  is much better than being under it".
I agree entirely.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

A 'flu jab

I went to the doctor this morning for a 'flu jab:   I was sitting amongst about 50/60 people when I arrived and that number remained fairly constant as people came and went; but it was all very efficiently organised and I was out of there in less than 10 minutes.   Whatever short falls the NHS might have we are lucky to live in a country where we are offered at no immediate cost, protective treatment of this nature.
I hit the shops yesterday in search of a posh blouse, brightly coloured, with sleeves and a neck high enough not to show the world my ageing busoms.   Not easy, in fact almost impossible but after falling into a seat for a strong coffee and 15 minutes spent just staring at people, I found myself outside M and S and decided as a last resort on the way to the car and defeat to have a quick look.   Geronimo! after years of being let down by them I found the very thing I was looking for - bought it and went off in some high spirits.

Thursday, 21 October 2010


We are living in strange times when our nation's economy is seriously threatened yet the media is dominated by one young man who is not playing 'footie' very well at the moment but who wants to be payed almost a million pounds a month in wages.   Sadly he'll get it.
I have a free day tomorrow so I'm hitting the shops for a while.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

cold and frost morning....

It was really frosty this morning and soooo cold, just 2 degrees in Bristol but by late morning the sun was shining and the temps had risen to a more respectable number.   I don't like cold days as I seem to lose energy which I can onlybe restored when the sun shines - it sounds a bit pathetic but it does appear to be true.
Georgi went to the centenary celebration of the Guide Movement this evening and enjoyed it very much.
Millions of children have benefitted through 100 years of Scouting and Guiding.
A friend came in for supper and we enjoyed a long exchange of tales and pictures getting us up to date with our
life as it is today.   She nurses people in the last stages of their life and says everyone thinks it must be a most depressing job but not so as it shows patients and their families at their very best.   She has been taking care of a lady for some weeks who died during her night duty last night and her last words before she actually died were 'thank you nurse'.......which both she and I found very moving.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

I'm getting old.....

I was working with children yesterday for 5 hours and was exhausted by 'cuppa tea time' however it was interesting and mainly the children aged 9 plus or minus were very good but there's always one!   In art work he stated he didn't like colours and refused to put anything on the page bar his name and later when out sketching he crawled under the shrubs and scribbled on an ancient grave stone.   Little vandal.   I wish his school would (could) ban him from any future outing making him stay behind and do some maths or perhaps ask he and his parents to clean up his graffiti.  I doubt they will do that or maybe they're not allowed to treat the little nasty in the way he should be treated.
I went for a swim this morning.  Pool was almost empty, water lovely and warm but the sound system thundered out loud rap music(?).   Why on earth could anyone think you need that row to accompany your swim?   Two lengths and I was out of there....sad.   Rather negative so far but hey there is always this afternoon.   

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Negative day

Poor Max was left on the bench today for most of the game in which his team lost heavily.  He looks as though he has been beaten up now that his bruises around his nose and cheeks have taken on various hues - mostly dark blue.  I decided to catch the bus to church but it was 'late leaving the depot' - however I decided to chance getting there just a little late but just before my stop we were detoured off a short way as the builders were erecting a temporary cabin to advertise games on line or some such thing.   Got to Cathedral very late to find it was the Law Courts service and all had changed so I had coffee on the water front and got the next bus home.
On the positive side it was a really beautiful day.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Minor panic

Minor panic today when Max fell over the handlebars of his bike and ran in with blood pouring from his face;
a wipe over found nothing really hurt but his pride.   Now some hours have passed he looks a bit bashed about but he is determined to be up early and off to rugby as he's on the team sheet tomorrow so no doubt he'll be home at lunch time sporting more bruises to add to his war wounds.  I hope we don't get a visit from the NSPCC especially as his sister just back from an outward bound holiday is also covered in scars and bruises  from her adventures absailing, canoeing, climbing and so on and so on......

Friday, 15 October 2010

In the city.

Spent the day in the big city today stepping dangerously between the cyclists in this 'cycle friendly city' - I'm too scared to go very often now they are swarming everywhere- except of course on the road!
Had lunch with a party of Germans from Hanover, very charming but they ate as though they were never going to eat again - even English food seemed to suit them.   I haven't had 'Coronation chicken' for years but they all
woofed it down.   Very nice.
I have booked a flu jab for next week but was told I would be given a swine flu jab at the same time unless of course I refused to have it.   I can't stop thinking the Government bought in too much of the serum last year when they were suggesting we were going into a pandemic and now want to use it.   I will have to think about this before next Saturday but I suspect I will go for the two (just in case!).

Thursday, 14 October 2010


I am really enjoying school nowadays through the eyes of my grandchildren and far more than I did when I was there.   Tonight we have been looking at Illuminated letters and with the help of the PC we looked at some real treasures - I somehow don't think my grandson's effort is going to look anything like these!
We also looked at the solar system and saw some amazing pictures from the space station.   I would love to go off in the morning with my PE kit and lots of books but the thing that puts me right off is the other blurddy kids!!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

An exciting day!

What joy to see the pictures on TV of the miners being brought safely back into the world again thanks to the great skills of the amazing engineers who have worked so hard during the past weeks - how will the men ever be able to thank them?   I hope the constant demands of the greedy world media will not spoil things for them and their families.
It has been a cold day today with the threat of the dark nights looming ahead as we prepare to put our clocks back at the end of the month -  I wish we did not have to do this. 
I have cleared the last of the summer flowers and vegetables and am preparing to plant some winter bulbs because I know come next March I will be desperate to see some kind of new life and colour coming into our lives.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Autumn Colours

I read in the Newspaper this morning that director of the National Arboretum in the Cotswolds said 'The Autumn colour may be a little later this year owing to mild weather, but it is now flourishing'.    I have just spent the last three days driving around the Cotswolds, camera at the ready to take in the changing colours of the wonderful trees but I have to say I did not take one picture with a hint of colour change.   You can never believe what you read in the papers! or perhaps I went to the wrong Cotswolds!   However I did take some lovely pictures of the lush green trees and grass which we saw everywhere.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

The fire alarm

Just spent the weekend in a very large hotel which was quite full with visitors.   On Saturday night a 02.30am the fire alarms sounded loud and long.   My dear one and I got out of bed, put on our specs and set off down the corridor as instructed by the notice on the back of our bedroom door, towards the 'meeting place'.  We arrived to find ourselves the only ones there with lights going on and off in the building and the footsteps of the staff as they rushed up and down the stairs.   It got colder as the minutes ticked by but still nobody joined us and eventually a member of staff informed us that it was a false alarm and we could go back to bed.   We have debated since then - was it because we looked such an odd little old couple, she in caftan (acting as dressing gown) clutching handbag and he sporting his 'Costa Blanca' Teeshirt with badly matched baggy shorts? ...had some people honestly not heard the alarm.......or don't people read 'what to do in case of fire'.. or do they just not believe anything bad could happen to them?......................I'll have to settle for the fact that we looked scaringly odd!

Friday, 8 October 2010


I am packing three small bags this morning for three people who are going away for a couple of days to different venues and what a chore it is - you might as well pack for a month.   It's all the little things like mobile chargers bits and pieces for all seasons that are so irritating.   When I get myself organised (one day!) I will always have a bag on standby so as I can just pick it up from the cupboard in the hall and walk out of the door.
Sadly, that will never happen.   Bad news, I think I am starting a cold.   

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Big Draw Day

Interesting day today when we took 150 children on a 'big draw' in the Cathedral.   It is really funny what some of the children found interesting and in almost every case the most able drew something quite simple whilst the least able attempted a most intricate window or carving to reproduce.   One small autistic child spent the whole
morning crouched under a prayer desk and drew more attention from the other children than the art work.
I am looking forward to visiting the Cotswolds this weekend, camera at the ready for some autumn shots but around here in the outskirts of the city it is still very green.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


A bathing suit ....Ureka!   Most of the assistants in the High Street shops I visited laughed at me and with me.   I was searching  for a  Swim suit during the worst month of the year so I was informed----------'We're making room for Halloween goods and then Christmas'  I was told by one bemused young girl.  In M and S a very kind lady assistant told me she was looking for one herself - 'Tell me if you see any she laughed'.   I finally tracked one the shop where I go to the gym.    We oldies might not be as energetic as we were but we are very tenacious!    It's a bit boring in a plain navy  blue but - hey!  it's a swimsuit after all these weeks.


Dreary morning -  foretaste of what's to come in the months ahead.  I have been on the hunt for inexpensive bathing suits which my grandaughter grows out of in weeks but I am told by the famous Superstores that October isn't a swimming season?   What?   I swim at least three times every week and so do all my family -
we might have to resort to 'skinny dipping' and with that thought I can't write more for laughing hysterically.
I'm off now into the big city to run the gauntlet of the pavement bike riders and try to locate some swimsuits.

Monday, 4 October 2010

A Busy Day

At first light I managed to help my grandaughter to the coach taking her to Wales on an 'adventure holiday' -
I was so thankful that in the end we didn't have to phone 'Pickfords' to help us with all her stuff.   Clothes and shoes and boots for all weathers, coats and hoodies and waterproofs,  socks long and short, daps for walking into water, towels of every size and hue........oh! I do hope she has enough!
Number 2 son home from Las Vegas not knowing what day it is after a ten hour flight - now he doesn't know whether to go to bed as he's not sure what time zone he is in!   He has to be taken to the airport in the morning to catch a flight for Dublin.   Number 1 son has to leave the house at 6.00am to be on a job in Bath before the impossible transport system kicks in.   Grandson to be taken to school bus.   You know 5 years ago we decided to retire and I rashly thought of days in the country or in foreign lands.  
I did not realise that the despite changes in the work load there would be no cheque at the end of each month.
I certainly can't grow old 'cos I haven't got the time.   

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Mock the Week

I have just got round to watching 'Mock the Week' - a good show but what a week for hairstyles.
Dara O Briain's hair is disappearing fast but Andy Parson's disappeared so long ago he has not one hair on his head, Chris Addison looked as though his perm had failed, the beautiful Nigerian Andi Osho had red henna on one side of her hair and the other side shaven.   Jack Whitehall sitting next to her looked as though his hairdresser had run off with his money before he finished the job and Carl Donnelly looked just like my old auntie in Leeds with full head of curls and the uncertain look that wondered if she had gone too far this time.
Hugh Dennis on top form though especially when doing his voices for the Queen and Prince Philip.
It is good to go to bed after a good laugh which hangs around you for quite a time.

Busy day

I have had a busy day today - missed my swim this morning as I just did not have time - bad news about that but I can catch up next week.   I am packing four cases for next week and it's driving me mad as I keep putting  things in the wrong cases.   It seemed like a good idea to put all the cases in the spare room and drop things in them whenever I remember but it does not seem to be working out  -  the first case, packed with kit for an 'activity week' holiday is due to leave the house on Monday morning.   Embarrassing if pink flowery disco top ends up in that one.
I toured a small party around the cathedral this afternoon which proved interesting for me and I hope for them.
Two people from Berkshire, three from Cornwall a local family and a lady from New Zealand, just a lovely bunch of folk.
Tonight we had chips for supper - naughty but nice!

Friday, 1 October 2010


I had a text from our son in Las Vegas today reporting that the temperature there is 34c later I skyped my sister in law in South Africa to hear they have 32c and then an email from a friend in Portugal told me of 28c today with a little light rain.   Oh! shame, we have had torrential rain all day where I am with temperature at best 14c.
We do have an awful lot to be thankful for in our little Islands but the weather isn't really opne of them.   Never mind tomorrow is another day in the life of...............