In our last house this nest was in our porch and the residents arrived every year to make repairs and enlargements before the eggs were laid; so we had a grandstand view of the rearing of the House Martins every year. When the chicks were still living in the nest mum, dad or auntie would arrive and make all the chicks sit on the edge of the nest to make a mess on my floor
then some other member of the family would arrive to feed them. It was always exciting to watch the older birds helping them to fly the nest on to a nearby tree and then chirp at them until they found the courage to fly for a few yards and back again.
Inevitably the sad day came when they were all lined up on the telephone wire outside the house ready to start their long journey to Africa and sound the beginning of our winter months - we longed for them to return and looked out every day in April for the first comers to arrive bringing another new Spring for us and another family for them.
I wish they would build at this house and I would gladly clear up the floor beneath their next every day as I used to. Apparently the swallows, swifts and Martins have already left our shores - much earlier than usual.
Country folk would tell you that when they arrive early (which they did) we are in for a good summer (which we have had) but if they leave early - then look out for a long cold winter. They sensibly have gone off to search for some more sunshine.